18 March 2008

SMH - Where is thine mercy?

I am outraged by the bucket job the Sydney Morning Herald has done on Mercy Ministries. By “bucket job” I mean quite literally the bucket of toxic, raw sewage that this so-called “distinguished broadsheet” has dumped on a nationwide ministry to vulnerable women. http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/they-prayed-to-cast-satan-from-my-body/2008/03/16/1205602195122.html While I don't agree with all of their methods, I certainly don't think they deserve to be treated in the way they were yesterday and today - to the point where several major corporate sponsors have said they are considering withdrawing their monetary support for the ministry. http://www.smh.com.au/news/national/corporates-move-quickly-to-cut-ties/2008/03/17/1205602293122.html (*disclaimer disclaimer) My sister is heavily involved in Mercy Ministries. She had to do 2 years of intensive training to be of any use to them. I think many of you will have read about her trip to Zimbabwe that is partly inspired by the kind of program and ministry Mercy has with the sexually abused, pregnant teens etc. Read her updates and judge for yourself. http://interact.cornerstone.edu.au/forum_viewtopic.php?30.4908 What makes me angry is that the SMH finds two disaffected people who have not been in the program for 3 years - and build their case entirely around their allegations. No attempt seems to have been made to find the many hundreds of women that have found the program to be life-transforming. No attempt is made to cynically question the claims made by the two women (who are quite likely to have mental issues of their own if they were in the program in the first place). At the very least you would describe this as "sloppy" journalism. But it's not that, because surely no journalist could possibly be so incompetent. No, this is a callous and calculated attack. The fact that there are currently up to a hundred young girls in care who may not know where next week's meal and care will come from because of the withdrawal of corporate support must surely heap like burning coals on the heads of all involved in this sorry little episode.

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